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COVID-19 Update: March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 (10:30 am) Central Time

Dear Simpson College Community,

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate, we want you to know we are taking the steps needed in order to ensure continuity of operations on campus while keeping our faculty, staff, and students safe.

Given the actions of neighboring states to “stay-at-home,” Simpson College has identified essential operations and will have the needed resources in place to continue to ensure campus is operational in the event that Gov. Reynolds issues a “stay-at-home” order for Iowa.

In the week ahead, we will continue to share vital information related to our campus community.

Ways to Connect With Us

We continue to maintain and respond to all questions submitted through our dedicated email address. Please email, COVIDResponse@simpson.edu.  

Please continue to monitor your emails and check the Simpson College COVID19 webpage for updates.

We thank you for your patience and commitment to Simpson College.

Thank you,
Bob Lane ‘81
Interim President