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Computer Information Systems

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If you have earned some college credits and are looking to complete, or if you've never taken a college course but have decided to pursue your degree, Simpson can help you reach your goals. Earn a Bachelor of Arts in one of seven, high-demand degree areas in an online learning environment.

Computer Information Systems
Criminal Justice
Human Services
Management Information Systems
Marketing Communication

Get hands-on with technology that's changing everything

Our curriculum’s core classes will give you foundational knowledge in computer science and information systems and build on those skills with classes in other disciplines like business management and accounting. We’ll connect you to valuable experiential learning opportunities—from creating simple video games to completing a highly skilled project or internship—that will attract future employers and prepare you for this exciting, evolving industry.

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MAGT 131: Management Concepts
An introduction to the principles of management including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling and strategies. 4 credits

MIS 145: Management Information Systems
This course covers the fundamentals of information systems with an emphasis on business intelligence systems. The latest advances in these systems are covered along with topical references to ethical and societal issues. This course is designed to help students function more effectively and efficiently as managers, decision makers, and leaders in the business world. Students learn to use data analysis software for summarization and visualization of critical business data. Prerequisite: Experience using Microsoft Excel and Access. 4 credits

This path is part of Simpson College's convenient and flexible online program, which enables you to complete four to eight credits every eight weeks.

By attending class just one to two nights a week, you may earn an average of 30 credits in one year and complete your bachelor's degree in four years. You can go as fast or as slow as your schedule and learning style requires: Study one night a week, two nights a week or even faster.

computer information systems

Prepare for high-demand jobs in web development, software engineering and information technology

As an adult student in our undergraduate Computer Information Systems program, you can expect the same individualized attention from faculty and academic and career advisors as you would in a more traditional setting. You’ll work one-on-one with an advisor who will help you stay on track and make sure you’re taking the correct courses. 

According to the National Association of College and Employers, computer science is one of the best paying four-year degrees a student can earn, and our  learning experiences take place from the first class through the last so you’re prepared to work with industry-standard technology as soon as you graduate.

You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in professional networking and career building experiences, such as the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance and the Oracle Academic Initiative, which offers experiences in an extensive range of software for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX based systems.

Find Your Success

Tuition Costs

We're committed to making sure our graduate programs are accessible and affordable for all students.

Financial Aid

Students in this program are eligible for federal financial aid, and we allow an interest-free grace period for students receiving employer reimbursement. 

Transfer Credits

We accept transfer credits from other accredited institutions. Transcripts are evaluated to determine how many credits will transfer, as well as how a student’s former coursework meets Simpson’s degree requirements.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Save on Tuition
We value the work you've already done and think it should count toward your degree. If you’re at least 25 years of age and classified as a freshman or sophomore at Simpson, you can submit a Life Experience Portfolio during the admissions process. The LEP can earn up to 24 credits, which you can use to meet the 150-hour requirement for CPA exam eligibility.

Employer Reimbursement Cuts Interest Costs
Many employers reimburse their employees’ tuition after a class has been completed, and we offer the chance to delay payment until 45 days after the term ends. You won’t have to pay until after the course ends.

We're Transfer Friendly 
During the application process, you'll submit transcripts of previous undergraduate work from other accredited institutions if applicable. Transcripts are then evaluated to determine how many credits will transfer, as well as how your former coursework meets Simpson’s degree requirements.