Department of Theatre Arts
Theatre Arts, Teaching Endorsement and Arts Management
The theatre provides a role for every talent. Find yours!
Simpson Theatre. It’s a world unto itself with a great presence on campus. Our students are known for their passion and immersion into the world of theatre. But you're not limited to on-stage performances. Whether it’s acting, directing, or designing, there’s a role for every talent.
Want to continue to participate in theatre after high school? We have a scholarship for that!
And the good news is, you don't have to be a theatre major to qualify. Scholarships are awarded to students who show potential in the performance, technical or both aspects of theatre production. Find out more about how to apply and when auditions are scheduled.
Take advantage of every opportunity
You will find a number of ways to enhance your Simpson Experience.
Take in a play
Make plans to join us at Simpson Productions for our 2024-25 season!
Get involved at Simpson
Becoming involved outside the classroom develops important, marketable skills.
Define your own career path
You will benefit from participating in theatre as it pushes you to be a better communicator, time manager, organizer and listener - valuable skills applicable to any occupation.
High School Theatre Festival
Simpson's long-running theatre festival is open to ALL high school students. This festival, sponsored by Simpson Theatre, is a full day of discussions, workshops led by experienced theatre artists and a performance designed especially for high school students and teachers. Regardless of interest, whether onstage or backstage, students will enhance their skills and get an inside look of what Simpson Theatre has to offer.