What is SAFE?
How the system works:
SAFE (Simpson Alert For Emergencies) is the emergency communication system that allows us to send time-sensitive notifications via voice messages, emails, and text messages. The SAFE service can deliver one pre-recorded message to up to six phone numbers, two email addresses, and one text message. In all, the multi-modal service helps officials reach out to students and staff via:
- Voice messages to home, work, and cell phones
- Text messages to cell phones, and other text based devices
- Written messages to email accounts
- Messages to TTY/TDD receiving devices for the hearing impaired
During an alert, one or all of these may be used to disseminate information. When helpful, a color-coded alert will be issue to help offer an indication about the level of threat to campus. This is explain more fully here: Safe Alert Guidelines.
When the system is activated:
The activation of the SAFE notification system during a declared campus state of emergency will be the responsibility of the following individuals:
- President
- VP for Student Development
- VP for Academic Affairs
- Dean of Students
- Dean of Continuing, Graduate, and Online Education
- Director of Security
Emergency notifications may include but are not limited to:
- Bomb threats or other imminent violent threats
- Natural gas leaks and hazardous spills affecting the entire campus
- Building evacuations and lock downs affecting the entire campus
- Biological or pandemic emergency notifications
- Natural disasters (i.e. tornadoes, floods…)
- Campus closure due to declared civil emergency (Local, State, Federal)
The following is an example of a SAFE notification message:
“This is the Simpson College emergency notification system. A campus emergency has been declared. This is not a test. The Simpson College President’s Office has authorized the following alert message:
- the nature of the emergency
- the location of the emergency
- specific instructions and actions required of recipients
- how further instructions will be provided
I repeat, a campus emergency has been declared, this is not a test. Please relate this information to affected individuals within in your work area immediately and follow the instructions of your Crisis Team and local authorities.”
For more information about SAFE please contact the Simpson Security office at 515-961-1711.