The National Science Foundation (NSF), recognizing Simpson’s leading role in STEM education, awarded the college a grant to pay for scholarships for 15 students who met certain financial and academic requirements.
The Carver Bridge to STEM Success scholarships were awarded to incoming first year students in 2016 and, during their four years, will provide them not only financial assistance to attend Simpson and study in the STEM fields, but also leadership and mentorship training.
This grant opportunity has been fulfilled and is no longer accepting applicants. However, Simpson plans to build on this award by continuing to apply for other NSF grants in the future to provide opportunity for students to attend Simpson and study STEM.
Here are some of the areas in which the Carver Bridge students will benefit:
- Financial Help:
A total of 15 students received $8,400 annual scholarships for four years. The program is designed to give talented students from financially disadvantaged families the opportunity for a world-class college education in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. The program is funded by the National Science Foundation, with additional support from Simpson. - Mentoring Opportunities:
Simpson College has teamed up with local businesses to provide mentoring and internship opportunities for all the Carver Bridge Scholars. - Undergraduate research:
Summer research projects will be available for the Scholars, as well as various other exciting opportunities, including conferences, speakers, field trips and visits to industries.
The program is funded by the National Science Foundation grant number #DUE-1458302.
Meet Simpson's Carver Bridge to STEM Success Recipients
Sam Adeniyi
My name is Sam Adeniyi. I am from Roseville, Minnesota. I am majoring in Computer Science and planning to minor in Computer Information Systems. I am also a member of the Track and Football teams at Simpson.
Genevieve Block
Howdy! My name is Genevieve Block and I am from Pahoa, Hawaii. Though I am majoring in Actuarial Science and minoring in Computer Science I enjoy painting and other arts here at Simpson College. I am currently in both the International Student Organization and Latinos Unidos club. I am enjoying my time in Iowa, and can happily say I enjoy all four seasons, including winter!
Ben Christensen
Hello! My name is Ben Christensen and I am from Malvern, Iowa. I'm planning on majoring in Actuarial Science here at Simpson College. I am involved in several clubs and enjoy participating in intramurals on the side. My favorite thing about Simpson is the relationships between the professors and students as well as the homey feeling on campus.
Isabella Garduño
Hello my name is Isabella Garduño, I am from Chicago, Illinois, and I come from a Mexican and Italian background. I'm currently majoring in Biochemistry. I am in several clubs such as Latinos Unidos, International Student Organization, Feminist Club, Pre-Health society, and Black Student Union.
Delia Matos Hernandez
Hello, My name is Delia, pronounced Deli-uh, I'm majoring in Actuarial Science and minoring in Sociology. I am apart of the international student organization and Latinos Unidos clubs, and loving my experience at Simpson!
Sara Lawson
My name is Sara Lawson and I’m Bloomfield, Iowa born and raised. I’m a double major in Mathematics and Spanish with a minor in Secondary Education. Around campus, I’m involved in the Religious Life Community and praise band, Math Club, Language & Culture Club, and I co-lead the Dance Club. Simpson definitely offers me the best of many worlds!
Oleg Nochvay
My name is Oleg Nochvay. I am from Indianola, Iowa. Some of my hobbies include fishing, exercising, and meeting new people. I am bilingual, Ukrainian being my other language. I plan on majoring in Computer Science and possibly minoring in Math.
Manoj Rai
My name is Manoj Rai and I am from Des Moines, Iowa. I plan to major in Biochemistry. Besides doing countless hours of studying, I enjoy working out, watching movies, sports, and a variety of other fun activities.
George Saucedo
Que Pachooo! My name is George Saucedo and I am from Southside Chicago, Illinois. I am a Computer Science major and Management Information Systems minor. I enjoy the extra curricular programs that they have here at Simpson College like the computer science club. Arriva los Amargados!
Cole Sigler
What's up! My name is Cole Sigler and I am from Dallas Center, Iowa. I am currently majoring in Physics and Environmental Science and minoring in both Math and Religion. Here at Simpson I am involved with several clubs including the Physics club, FCA, and the Light Company.
Harrison Smith
Hi, My name is Harrison Smith and I am majoring in Environmental Science. I am a native Iowan and currently playing Football here at Simpson College. I am a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and the Catholic student organization.
Lauren Villafuerte
Hi! My name is Lauren Villafuerte and I am from Paauilo, Hawaii. I am majoring in Physics/Pre-Engineering and plan on eventually becoming a Biomedical Engineer. I enjoy reading and writing. I like the weather in Iowa and I managed to survive a winter here.
Maddie Walter
My name is Maddie Walter and I am from a small town in Northern Iowa! I am majoring in mathematics, but involved in many clubs and activities here at Simpson. Some include my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Roteract, Love Your Melon, Intermural sports and working with the lovely business office ladies! My experience at Simpson thus far has been amazing and it truly feels like home.
Nicole Ward
My name is Nicole Ward and I am from Tinley Park, IL. I am majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Secondary Education. I hope to become either a middle or high school teacher. Currently, I am the in-house chair for Simpson & Apos's Campus Activities Board as well as the event-planning chair for my sorority, Pi Beta Phi. I enjoy getting involved and hope to take on more leadership roles in the future.