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The Basics of Intentional Course Design

How to Design a Successful and Engaging Course

How can the act of course design help with student engagement, and also lead to less work for instructors during the semester?

Strong course design is important for a number of reasons. It adds intentionality to your class, helps narrow down content, and generally adds to higher student engagement in your classroom. 

Please check out the attached PowerPoint below, which will walk through the steps that should be considered in course design.

Course Design PPT.pptx

There are a lot of factors to consider when creating a course - especially one with a lot of online components. One factor that becomes quickly overlooked during this process is the incorporation of various elements that create a more inclusive environment for all learners. The attached rubric below discusses regular course design elements in a way that is thorough and easy to understand, but also includes factors that should be included in an inclusive classroom, such as authenticity and relevance, as well as the opportunity to include more diverse voices in your course materials. 

Course Design DEI Rubric.pdf

In addition, if you'd like to know more about the guidelines of the Universal Design for Learning framework, and how you can meet students where they are in their learning, it would be beneficial to check out this website: Universal Design for Learning Framework