Greek Life

Being part of a fraternity or sorority is about more than joining a group or having fun—it’s about leadership, service and lifelong friendships
Is fraternity/sorority life right for you?

Alpha Tau Omega
Nickname: ATO
Founded: 1865, Virginia Military Institute
Simpson chapter: Beta Alpha chapter, founded 1885
Kappa Theta Psi
Nickname: Kappa, KOY
Simpson chapter: Founded 1902, oldest local fraternity west of the Mississippi
Lambda Chi Alpha
Nickname: Lambda
Founded: 1909, Boston University
Simpson chapter: Theta Lambda Zeta chapter, founded 1924
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Nickname: SAE
Founded: 1856, University of Alabama
Simpson chapter: Iowa Sigma chapter, founded 1889.

Delta Delta Delta
Nickname: Tri Delta
Founded: 1888, Boston College
Simpson chapter: Delta chapter, founded 1889
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Nickname: Kappa, KKG
Founded: 1870, Monmouth College
Simpson chapter: Omicron Deuteron chapter, founded 1880
Pi Beta Phi
Nickname: Pi Phi
Founded: 1867, Monmouth College
Simpson chapter: Iowa Beta chapter, founded 1874
Learn more about Greek Life
Jessica Stormoen
- Fraternity and Sorority Life Area Coordinator