- Internal Information
- Theatre Arts
- Opportunities in Theatre
Opportunities in Theatre
Opportunities in Theatre
Theatre Simpson students regularly receive appointments as interns and summer employees. The department encourages students to participate in auditions and interviews on campus, at such venues as the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and Midwest Theatre auditions.
Recent employers include: Television programs (Dawson’s Creek, Seventh Heaven, Cheers, St. Elsewhere), Theatre dela Jeune Leune, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Jean Cocteau Repertory Theatre, Lakeshore Players, Fox 17 Television, Iowa Public Television, CLIMB Theatre Company, Ingersoll Dinner Theatre, Stagewest Theatre Company, Drama Workshop, Madison Civic Theatre, Films, commercials and voice-overs.
To prepare students for auditions and interviews, the department offers a screening process each fall that is open to all Simpson students.
Here are various resources that are useful for students interested in theatre:
United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT) -The United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) is a place to network, exchange ideas, and grow. USITT provides learning opportunities, and networking for over 3,700 members worldwide.
Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival – National- Through state, regional, and national festivals, KCACTF student and faculty participants celebrate the creative process and share experiences and insights within the community of theater artists.
University/Resident Theatre Association (U/RTA) -URTA bridges the educational and professional theatre worlds, contributing towards the advancement and improvement of the American theatre. We are committed to the development and expansion of important professional theatre and training laboratories, in which advanced students and professional artists work together to encourage achievement in production and performance.
Theatre Communications Group– Theatre Communications Group (TCG), the national organization for the American theatre, was founded in 1961 with a grant from the Ford Foundation to foster communication among professional, community and university theatres.
Backstage Jobs– Today, the Backstage brand signifies something greater than simply casting notices: Backstage is a place where actors, singers and dancers can connect with the greater performing arts community.
Playbill– Playbill offers breaking news about the theatre industry, focusing on New York shows but including regional, touring and international stage happenings.
May Term provides a change of emphasis in the academic year and permits three weeks of intensive study of a single academic course.
Theatre Simpson on Tour performing at an Iowa School.

Twin Cities Unified Theatre Auditions
Unified Professional Theatre Auditions
Unified Resident Theatre Association (U/RTA)
Southeastern Theatre Conference
New England Theatre Conference