Simpson operates on a 4-4-1 calendar year, which means there are two four-month traditional semesters, followed by a three-week period in May we call May Term. This allows you and your professors to focus intently on one specific area of study during May Term.
The tradition goes back to 1967, but the courses are as relevant as current events. May Term is a time for students and faculty to dig deep and study one course intensively without distraction. You may decide to stay on campus and study the European Economic Community or Environmental Ethics. Or maybe your interest in public service will take you on a mission trip to Colorado to serve others, or to Dallas to explore the site of President Kennedy’s assassination. Other options include international courses in which you can experience music, art and culture in Spain, or be part of a photographic journey through Ireland or do a cultural immersion in Cambodia.
Since we’ve been doing this for years, Simpson faculty members have the experience, travel savvy and corresponding curriculum to make your month of May an unforgettable success.
The point is, if you have an interest that sits outside your major or a specific interest within your major, you have the opportunity to dig deeper and pursue it. You never know where a great May Term course might lead you.
Study abroad opportunities
Studying abroad during May Term allows you to experience a different culture and broaden your perspective of global events. Take a look at what a May Term abroad might look like.