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To apply to participate in an international travel course, you must complete the online application process. Click here to access the system.

On this system, you will be asked to…

  • create an account
  • complete an online application form (Please note:  If you don’t yet have a Simpson GPA, please enter “8.0” in the required GPA field on the application system.  This will serve as a placeholder to indicate that you’re new to Simpson and don’t yet have a GPA here.)
  • upload a personal statement (a 1-2 page essay describing how this course fits into your studies at Simpson, what your overall academic objectives are, and what specifically you hope to gain from this travel course that will enhance your educational experience.)

You will also be asked to upload the following to your Simpson SC Connect account

  • a copy of your Simpson College degree audit
  • a copy of  the data page from your passport, if you already have it, but if you don’t already have a passport, then upload a copy of your completed passport application (with your SSN blacked out)
  • Proof of payment of the $200 non-refundable deposit from the Simpson College Business Office.  The preferred method of making the deposit payment is in person at the Business Office window.  This will ensure that the deposit payment is properly credited to one's student account as a study abroad deposit payment.  Alternatively, students are able to make the payment online using SC Connect, but if this is done, it is essential to also email Nicole Kickbush in the Business Office to let her know that the payment made online is intended to be a study abroad deposit as the payment system doesn't allow for such a notation.

Applications will be complete when all of the above forms have been filled out and and all required documents uploaded.  Complete applications will be forwarded on to course instructors for their review and admissions decisions.  Please note:  Students can only apply to participate in one int’l travel course at a time.

Applying for a Dr. Joe Walt International Education Scholarship

To apply for a Walt Scholarship, you need to complete the scholarship application on the online application system.  You will find the scholarship application form on the same page as your application for the travel course.  Unfortunately the system doesn’t allow us the flexibility to name the scholarship application with a more descriptive title, but you’ll find it listed as the “Online Form 0/1”.  If you have difficulties locating the application, contact Matthew Kaye the the Office of International Education for assistance.  Walt Scholarship applications must be submitted online no later than the priority deadline for May Term international travel course applications (for May Term 2022, that deadline is Oct. 5, 2021).

Application time frame

Applications can be submitted beginning July 1 through to the priority deadline of the first Tuesday in October the year prior to May Term. Selection decisions will be announced via email from the OIE for applications received by the priority deadline one week later.

Complete applications received after the Priority Deadline will be processed on a rolling basis.  Those selection decisions will be announced approximately two weeks after the application is submitted.  Check the course section of the study abroad Web site for courses which still have openings.