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Study Abroad with History

History Students Study Abroad at Windsor Castle

Simpson students at Windsor Castle as part of the 2011 London Semester Program

Study Abroad courses allow professors and students to take the learning outside of the classroom, exposing students not only to new places but also new ways of experiencing history.

"There is a certain awe and wonder one feels standing in a Gothic cathedral or in front of a Renaissance masterpiece that just can't be replicated by showing a slide in the classroom," explains Rebecca Livingstone, Associate Professor of History.  "Actually being in the cathedral of Notre Dame with its high vaulted ceilings built to remind people of the greatness of God and the smallness of Man or seeing Michelangelo's David in person allows students to see the height, the weight, the smoothness of the marble and gain a greater understanding of the skill and genius that went into its creation. Physically being in the space allows students to take their learning to a higher level of understanding and have a greater appreciation for history."  

The History department has been very involved in taking students abroad for both May Term as well as the semester abroad programs.  Past Study Abroad courses offered by the department have explored the experiences of the World Wars in London and Paris, discovered the cultural heritage of Great Britain and Ireland and examined the Renaissance in Florence and Rome.