April 3, 2020 (9:00 am) Central Time
Dear Simpson College Community,
As noted in yesterday’s email, we will begin next week sending out COVID-19 emails on Mondays and Thursdays. Today marks our final daily update. With that said, please note that if we have some ‘breaking’ news or something urgent we must communicate to the campus community, we will do so immediately. Below you will find updates related to assistance in navigating campus resources during this time.
SARA Hotline Update
The members of SARA would like to offer a quick update on the availability of the SARA hotline throughout the rest of this academic year. Given that Simpson College has moved to an online and virtual academic experience, the SARA hotline cannot be staffed by the student SARAs for the duration of this academic year. As is the case in the summer months, the SARA line will always connect you with supports, but at this time that support will be offered by Polk County Crisis and Advocacy Services. If you have any questions about the availability of the SARA line or the resources associated with it, please contact Ellie Olson, Associate Dean of Counseling, Health and Leadership at ellie.olson@simpson.edu As a reminder, the SARA hotline can be reached at 515-330-6392.
Student Engagement Website
Simpson College is committed to keeping our campus community engaged throughout this pandemic. Rich Ramos, Associate Dean of Students is pleased to share a website with virtual events and happenings for the campus community. Each day more events are being added. Please check back frequently! Visit the page here.
Simpson College Bookstore Update
Now is your opportunity to ship back your rental books. Simply follow the steps below or contact the bookstore at kyle.mcvay@simpson.edu
1. Go to stormcellarshop.com and click "Sign in."
2. Once signed into your account, click on "Rentals" to view all of your rented out texts.
3. Click "Return All Rentals by Mail," then select the books you wish to check-in.
4. Print your free return label, and ship your books back to the bookstore! Please be sure to print and include the packing slip along with your books.
Missing Campus?
We are too. That is why we have created a series of Simpson College Zoom backgrounds for your next meeting or class. Want to sit outside College Hall or gather under the “Whispering Maples.” We have you covered. You can download them all here at Simpson College Zoom Backgrounds.
Connect with Us
We continue to maintain and respond to all questions submitted through our dedicated email address. Please email, COVIDResponse@simpson.edu However, for students with specific questions related to course work, we encourage you to contact your individual professor and or advisor. For faculty with academic-related questions, please contact Cheryl Jacobsen, academic dean.
Please continue to monitor your emails and check the Simpson College COVID19 webpage for updates.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions. #ONESimpson.
Thank you,
Bob Lane ‘81
Interim President