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Social Justice Studies Opportunities and Involvement

Find ways to get involved and make a difference

Simpson provides many opportunities for you to get involved in groups and organizations that are making a difference on campus and in the broader community. 

Latinos Unidos is a Latino organization at Simpson College that seeks to unite students interested in sharing, celebrating and learning about Latino Culture. Although the chapter is Latino-based, Latinos Unidos is not an exclusive group and welcomes people of all ethnic backgrounds.  

Latino Unidos hopes to:

  • provide all interested students with an opportunity to interact with each other through events and activities such as study breaks, discussion groups, dinners and movie nights,
  • foster great solidarity among Latino students at Simpson College and to enhance the overall Latino presence on campus,
  • bring diversity into campus,
  • educate the Simpson community about Latino heritage styles from various parts of the world,
  • help keep students aware of other cultures besides American cultures by sharing foreign values, language, dancing styles, culture, etc.